The hub is based in the Alcester Minster group of 8 churches in rural Warwickshire, near Stratford-upon-Avon. It is one of six hubs in Coventry Diocese, part of the strategy to create 150 new worshipping communities by 2030 - roughly one per parish in the Diocese.
We aim to offer a gathering point and a focus where people can come from local churches for support. We will facilitate learning together, (especially for lay leaders/teams), encourage and share good practice, develop local mentoring between churches.
We will work with any churches locally, and particularly those across the Diocese of Coventry that are rural and multi-parish groups. More...
Our work is across three strands:
Releasing capacity: Helping parishes to understand what their current capacity is and what the next step is. Exploring governance and functional structures that free up time and energy for a more missional focus. Enabling training and mentoring to take place that will build up confidence and skills for exploring new ways of being church.
Sharing experience: Sharing our own experiences where we have tried out new things at the Minster, and also sharing between parishes within the Diocese and drawing on experience from across the nation. Rural churches are the most numerous across the land, but their stories of innovation and success in reaching new people are often not well-known outside of their local area.
Exploring possibilities: Being willing to dream big and allow God to show us new and creative ways of being church, then trying these things out.